Surgery method consists in eliminating the affected veins by cutting them between two ligatures made at their ends and removing them by pulling. This spider vein treatment San Diego poses several problems, because, on the one hand, it requires general anesthesia and on the other hand, the aesthetic results are not very good. This treatment at Vein Clinic San Diego may cause bruising and pain and can return to various appear affecting other veins.
It consists of producing irritation of the inner walls of the vein by top vein doctor San Diego. In this treatment vein closes on its own, remaining sclerotic, as a scarred cord with no blood inside it and, therefore, practically invisible.

It is also necessary to bear in mind that not all varicose veins can be treated with these techniques.
Sclerosis can be achieved fundamentally in two ways:
- Chemical sclerosis: chemical substances that produce sclerosis are introduced into the veins. Several types of substances can be used:
- Liquids: a liquid substance is introduced that irritates the wall of the vein and causes it to sclerose.
- Foams: the same products are usually used as in the previous case but in the form of foam, which increases the contact surface and, therefore, the irritation of the endothelium, and it is necessary to use less quantity.
- Cryosclerosis: the sclerosing substance is cooled to many degrees below zero, and this increases its ability to irritate the endothelium. Although this method should be considered as a mixed method, it is both chemical and physical.
- Physical sclerosis: sclerosis of the vein is produced using physical methods such as light or radio waves that, when acting on the endothelium, literally burn it, making the veins practically disappear. Fundamentally there are two types:
Laser or otosclerosis
The laser is a ray of light of a single colour that is captured specifically by a colour. The cells that have that colour, absorb the light energy, heat up, and end up being destroyed by this heating, without this destruction affecting the surrounding tissues. In laser treatments by varicose vein doctor in San Diego of varicose veins, they heat up are red blood cells.

Different ways of applying the laser can be differentiated:
- Surface laser: applied from the outside, through the skin. It is mainly used to treat varicose veins and spider veins and small superficial veins. It is contraindicated in those people with dark skin, in treatment with anticoagulants, and in those with a tendency to increased scarring.
- Endolaser: a thin optical fibber is inserted into the vein by the top varicose vein doctor in San Diego that closes the affected vein. It does not allow its use in excessively tortuous veins and some other cases.
- Photodynamic therapy: it is a technique in which the external laser is combined with chemical sclerosis that considerably increases the effectiveness of the laser.
Radio waves are used that by introducing into the vein a catheter with two poles, that produce the closure of the vein. It cannot be used in very tortuous veins.